The Accounting Student Organization

Do you want to meet accounting professionals while you are still in school?  Would you like to know what kind and how many scholarships are available for accounting students?  Are you interested in taking on leadership roles and sharing new and exciting ideas with other individuals in your area of expertise?  The Accounting Student Organization (ASO) can point you in the right direction.

The ASO is a student organization that assists business students in gaining a more complete accounting education.  The ASO provides a forum that allows you to socialize with other accounting students and professors and presents the opportunity to get to know one another better outside of the classroom.  The ASO provides essential information on scholarships, employment opportunities, resume writing and interviewing tips.  The ASO guest speakers are typically members of local, regional, and national accounting firms, as well as professionals and accountants from private business and industry.

Each year the ASO sponsors many activities that help its members acquire professional contacts, gain knowledge about the profession and develop meaningful social ties with fellow students.  Traditionally, monthly meetings are held during the fall and spring semesters.  ASO meetings provide opportunities for social contact and networking and also generally include speakers from accounting firms, businesses and professional societies who are anxious to meet students and share information with all. Involvement in the ASO can reward members with valuable leadership and networking opportunities.

ASO promotes involvement in campus and extracurricular activities. Involvement in the ASO can reward members with valuable leadership and networking opportunities. The ASO officers and directors are directly involved in the coordination of on-campus recruiting events as well as other club activities. The ASO strives to build enthusiastic involvement of students, faculty, alumni and the business community with the Accounting Program at MSU Denver, its students and graduates.

Employers seek out individuals who are willing to get involved, be active, and take on leadership roles.  The ASO is your opportunity to do just that.  Become a member and discover what the ASO can offer you, or what you can offer the ASO.


Want to Learn More?

Accounting Student Organization


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